CS VPS Setup on Windows Server
SteamCMD for Windows: http://media.steampowered.com/installer/steamcmd.zip
CS:GO Server under Windows
How to install a Counter-Strike: Global Offensive (CS:GO) Dedicated Server under Windows and start it we will explain to you in this tutorial. We start at the very beginning with the download of the SteamCMD tool and the server files and then work our way up to the start parameters that you have to give a server.
CS:GO Dedicated Server under Windows
SteamCMD is a tool that is used to install and update servers. To host a CS:GO server you need this tool first.
SteamCMD for Windows: Download
The contents of the ZIP file can then be unpacked into any folder.
The only important thing is that you DO NOT unpack the tool into the Steam directory or a directory where the older HLDSUpdateTool is located.
Now you can start SteamCMD for the first time. Just go to the folder where you unzipped it and start steamcmd.exe, whereupon you have to download further files.
The program updates itself automatically and puts you into a command prompt, where now “Steam>” is at the beginning.
Download Server Files
To be able to download the files for the server, you must first log in with your Steam account. If you want to host a CS:GO Dedicated Server permanently, you should create your own account.
You must not be logged in to Steam at the same time, otherwise the login will not work.
login username
Then you will be automatically asked for your password. If you have activated Steam Guard, you will be asked for a code. Simply check the e-mails and enter the code you received. The verification takes a moment.
If the login was successful, you have to specify a directory where the files will be downloaded.
force_install_dir full path
(e.g. force_install_dir c:\csgo-server\)
Now you can give the command to download. The App ID of the CS:GO Server Tool is 740. This process may take a while.
app_update 740 validate
Later it is normally sufficient to update the CS:GO Server:
app_update 740
With the SteamCMD Tool you are ready and can log out with the command “quit”.
Start server
Now all you have to do is start Sever. You also have to give it some settings so that it knows which mode and which map to load.
The first possibility is to do this via the Windows prompt. If you are in the directory of the server, you can use the following command to start a Classic Competitive Server:
srcds -game csgo -console -usercon +game_type 0 +game_mode 1 +mapgroup mg_bomb +map de_dust2
Here is an overview of the division of the CS:GO game modes into Gametypes and Gamemodes:
Classic = game_type 0
Casual = game_mode 0
Competitive = game_mode 1
Arsenal = game_type 1
Arms Race = game_mode 0
Demolition = game_mode 1
Deathmatch = game_mode 2
The second possibility is to create a link to srcds.exe and write the so called “Launch Options” (without “srcds” at the beginning) into the command line.
(Right click -> Properties -> Shortcut -> Target)
Finally a table with example start parameters for the different game modes. The information was taken from the Valve Developer Wiki. Particular attention should be paid to the different map groups, which often cause problems if they do not match the game mode.
Classic Casual
srcds -game csgo -console -usercon +game_type 0 +game_mode 0 +mapgroup mg_bomb +map de_dust
Classic Competitive
srcds -game csgo -console -usercon +game_type 0 +game_mode 1 +mapgroup mg_bomb +map de_dust2
Arsenal Arms Race
srcds -game csgo -console -usercon +game_type 1 +game_mode 0 +mapgroup mg_armsrace +map ar_shoots
Arsenal Demolition
srcds -game csgo -console -usercon +game_type 1 +game_mode 1 +mapgroup mg_demolition +map de_lake
srcds -game csgo -console -usercon +game_type 1 +game_mode 2 +mapgroup mg_allclassic +map de_dust
Automatic Updates
There is the possibility to automate SteamCMD to make updates easier. Otherwise you will have to follow the steps described above each time you update CS:GO.
You have to write a very simple script. First create a text file in the SteamCMD folder and name it e.g. “csgo_server_update.txt”. Then write in the following:
// csgo_server_update.txt
login user password
force_install_dir c:\csgo-server\
app_update 740 validate
Of course you have to replace “username” and “password” with the corresponding login data and enter the correct directory in “force_install_dir”.
Then insert “+runscript csgo_server_update.txt” into the command line of a link to steamcmd.exe.
(Right click -> Properties -> Shortcut -> Target)
In the future you only have to execute the link and the program does the rest automatically.
Or you can start SteamCMD with the +runscript option next time from the Windows prompt.
steamcmd +runscript csgo_server_update.txt