Best VPS For Email Marketing
Mail hosting is part of cloud sourcing: Certain services are outsourced from the company and external servers are used. The hosting provider makes the server available and offers it to various customers. This offers numerous advantages for companies.
In short: Hosting is the provision of virtual storage space on the Internet. Accordingly, mail hosting is the storage space for e-mails. In practice, however, mail hosting involves even more than the mere provision of storage space online:
In order to create your own personal e-mail address with your own e-mail domain, you must first register a domain. As soon as the domain has been registered with the appropriate registry, the domain or URL can be used as a unique address identifier for websites and e-mail addresses, provided that a functioning web or e-mail server is connected. Without an e-mail server, no message processing or forwarding can take place via a registered domain (=address or URL). Thus, without a mail server, no own e-mail address can be operated.
There are 2 possibilities to provide the required mail server: Both are called hosting or mail hosting.
Top 3 VPS Hosting Providers:
- max RAM: 6 GB
- max Storage: 75 GB
- max Bandwidth: 2 TB
- max RAM: 32 GB
- max Storage: 320 GB
- max Bandwidth: 10 TB
- max RAM: 912 GB
- max Storage: 3.8 TB
- max Bandwidth: 12 TB
1. Hosting Yourself (on your own and without a Service Provider)
If you are well versed and have the necessary know-how to provide the appropriate IT infrastructure and operate your own mail server with web space (storage space for e-mails), you can consider operating the mail server, including domain administration and mail software, independently, taking into account a realistic cost/benefit ratio. This solution is complex, expensive and is used in practice mainly by companies and organizations. Hosting service providers come into play, who take over the mail hosting for companies, organisations as well as private individuals.
2. Via a Hosting Service Provider by means of Mail Hosting and/or Domain Hosting
The option to manage the mail server etc. on your own is usually not practicable for private individuals. This is where professional hosting services come into play. They take over the complete registration, administration and maintenance of their own e-mail address by providing mail servers and web space (virtual storage space). Also the registration of the own mail domain is taken over by the Hosting services. What would only be possible for the average private consumer with extremely high expenditure and disproportionate costs, the hosters offer as virtual service providers already for quite small money. Mail hosting as an all-round carefree package is therefore also standard in the private customer sector today.
Intermediate Conclusion on E-mail Hosting
Mail hosting is just as worthwhile for private individuals as it is for companies. For the former, the operation of mail servers under their own management is more common. Depending on the size of the company, the frequency of self-managed mail servers increases. Small and medium-sized companies generally resort to professional mail hosting. The same applies to the private customer segment. Due to the constantly low prices for virtual services and thus also for own E-Mail addresses more and more private persons, associations and semi-professionals decide for the own E-Mail Domain.
General Advantages of Mail Hosting
Mail hosting users can access their data from anywhere in the world. It doesn’t matter whether the user is sitting at home or in the office, in a hotel or on the beach on holiday. The computer used is also irrelevant, as no special client is required to use the mail hosting service. The services can even be used from a smartphone or tablet.
Probably the biggest advantage, especially for companies, is that no in-house administrator is needed so that the IT system can be maintained. The outsourcing partner is responsible for setting up and maintaining the mail system. The software always remains up to date and the data is protected against attacks by hackers. Mail hosting providers are experienced and professionally handle, for example, the import of patches and security updates. They ensure that no customer loses his data. If you want to have your own IP address, some providers will disappoint you. Such an IP address is only given if there is a technical necessity or if the customer is provided with his own server. In most cases, however, it is the case that many customers have to share a server, which is why no separate IP address is assigned to each individual.
Risks of Mail Hosting
There is a certain scepticism towards mail hosting, as sensitive data is often stored on external servers. Especially with large providers, it is often not clear where the server is located or how many people have access to it. If a company relies on reduced IT and turns to mail hosting, there is always a risk that the chosen provider will use its own standards. These in turn complicate the switch to another provider. Important: The mail hosting provider should rely on open standards so that e-mails, calendars and contact programs can be migrated.
Large or small providers?
Many companies ask themselves whether they should rather switch to a large or a small provider. The plus points of the large providers are certainly the existing capacities and also large storage quantities can be converted in a short time. Small providers, on the other hand, score points with personal support and make it possible to contact a single contact person over a longer period of time. Well-established small hosters such as from Austria are generally preferable to brand new providers.
The 3 Stages of Mail Hosting:
Type 1: Shared Hosting
This variant is the most widely used for the self-employed and small businesses. A server is provided for many customers, ensuring that customers do not have access to the data of other customers. The above-mentioned advantages for mail hosting also apply here, but with the disadvantage that all users share the available resources and hardly any individual settings are possible. Your own performance is therefore limited. In addition, the connection can be very slow if some users need a lot of computing power and memory. On the other hand, the costs for use are low and are less than ten euros a month.
Type 2: Virtual Server / VPS
This is the next better hosting variant. A physical server is shared, but each customer gets its own “virtual” server. The resources are shared, but the systems are less busy. A higher speed and more computing power as well as a larger memory are given with the use. A real server is virtualized by software, because this provides better individual setting options. The costs are between ten and twenty euros a month.
Type 3: The Right Server
The Dedicated Server is made available to a customer for sole use. The entire resources on the server can be used by this customer, which has the advantage that the customer can influence the performance himself. Individual settings are also possible without any problems. In terms of performance, the size of the memory available and the general level of computer performance naturally play a role. The costs are very high and are partly in the three-digit range per month. This type of mail hosting is suitable for all those users who can’t afford downtimes and who attach the greatest importance to avoiding all risks.
Best VPS For Email Marketing Comparison
Hosting your email list privately on a own VPS is the best alternative if you don’t wont to rely on expensive email services such as MailChimp, AWeber and others. What you need is a similar software to organize your email list on your server and to automatically send your campaigns. One of such programs is phplist. This open source email marketing software is completely free and you can do most of the things that payed services offer. However, many extra features have to be installed in the form of plugins. Phplist as such offers only basic features. However, the installation of extra features is quite easy.
But there are other free programs you can use for your email list on your VPS, too. Here is a list of the most known programs.
Our comparison table shows the best VPS providers for your private email marketing hosting. Those hosters are the most reliable services with the most reasonable offers, best technical equipment and excellent customer service.